Fake It Till You Make It: Golden Goose’s Space Star Style

If you’re like most people, you’ve probably either imagined living a life of hustling for productivity or have been living it. The journey that comes with success is thought of as fast-paced and exciting. Time is of the essence in this world, and those who slave away for their passions know this to be true. With their line of Space Star sneakers, Golden Goose has promised that their most comfortable sneakers will provide peace in this quick and stressful plot. 

Image found on Golden Goose’s official Instagram page

Equipped with their iconic scuffs and black streaks, these shoes look like they have been worn by someone lacking time for upkeep. The brand creates a relatable image of a blue-collar reality.

The sneaker’s marketing campaign mentions freedom and detaching from reality while also alluding to people running around in an overwhelming hurry. The Space Stars suggest authenticity with every step. This stark contrast works to argue that the comfort and relaxation they need – the “light” to end their day – can be found in the Space Stars. The Space Stars’ outstanding feature is the fleece-lined cushion insoles. This and the bulky and bubbly appearance of the shoes create a whimsical take on the shoes’ comforting nature.

So, besides the appeals to physical comfort, why do these shoes sell? Once again, Golden Goose uses the impression of damage and decay to suggest that the need and value of these sneakers come from their ability to keep customers grounded in the relatable chaos of life.

These shoes assume that the worker’s responsibility is to keep themselves centered through their disarray of obligations. Those who labor are responsible for providing themselves the preparative resources to sustain peace and readiness in fulfillment of their duties. These Space Stars appeal to the nostalgia of CEOs, Fortune five-hundred owners, and celebrities, promising them transportation to their humble beginnings before the drivers and assistants.

Image found on Golden Goose’s official website

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